Almost as soon as I arrived in San Carlos, I went to the government tourist office, Intur, to see about ferries to Omotepe, an island in Lake Nicaragua formed by two volcanos. Actually it's two islands that merged long ago as their lava met to form a small flat plain between them.

There are only two boats a week from San Carlos. I had thought (though I don't know why, since it wasn't mentioned in any guidebooks) I'd take a bus to Rivas, then take one of the many ferries to Omotepe. However, the narrow strip of land between Lake Nicaragua and Costa Rica that connects San Carlos to the western part of Nicaragua has no bus service. I'm not even sure it has roads. The only other way to leave was on the long 12 hour bus ride to Juigalpa, on to Managua, then back down to Rivas. I opted for the boat. That meant either leaving the next day or waiting until Friday. Since I had a day trip that I wanted to do before I left, I opted for Friday.

One of my options was to go to the Saltinename Islands for three or for days. I decided not to go, and later regretted it. I may never be back to this part of Nicaragua again. I should have gone.
Instead, I did what I do best. I hung out.
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