Saturday, I set out to exchange some books. I've moved to a new hotel, so I had to walk all the way to the other side of the block. Since I had my camera with me, I decided to take pictures of everything I saw that interested me. I started with some building tiles, then the Buddhist temple a few doors down.

I took 219 pictures, the number considerably reduced by being caught in a downpour. My collapsible umbrella is small, and I could only protect part of my body at one time. My back got wet, but the camera stayed dry.

Between the rain, the search for a new book, and a stop for lunch, the whole circuit took four hours, almost half of it needed just to get to the bookstore.

Sunday morning I went out with my camera again, wandering down a couple of alleys, taking some pictures of food stalls. And getting a couple of shots of things I missed yesterday.
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